These are just some of the words that help you create the courage to grow. Choosing to take the first steps, to designing the life you want, and knowing where to start, can often feel daunting. I am so pleased you have chosen transformation.
As creatives, our hypersensitivity often has an asset and defect side. Sometimes we get stuck, and we forget to listen to our inner compass. We often impose perfectionism upon ourselves, when we simply need to embrace vulnerability and accept ourselves. Do you need support with keeping self sabotage in check and allowing your artistic self to shine? Please press the button for this service.
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Does fear grip you, when you consider presenting who you are to the world? Do you subdue your true self, avoid taking risks and often feel that you are left wanting more? Performance support is a good place to begin. Please press the button for this service.
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Do you struggle to share your experience openly and honestly and need to take the edge off by talking and walking? Or are you neurodivergent and find looking into someone’s eyes distracts you and keeps you from concentrating? If so, Walk & Talk is a good place to begin. Please press the button for this service.
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Do you have great ideas and want to contribute and lead, but find that you struggle when asked to share your thoughts? Is it time for your voice to be heard in the teams that you are part of, and you just need to learn the first steps of creating a foundation of strength? Please press the button for this service.
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Do you find it difficult to organise your daily life and need support to build healthy, loving, self esteem-based routines? Learning mindfulness techniques, based in here and now, which help you to prioritise what you truly love; will help you get there. Please press the button for this service.
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Does self-doubt, anxiety, perfectionism and issues of feeling like you are not enough plague your decision making and stop you from living the life you want? Do you need to learn why it makes sense to be kind to yourself while integrating change? Please press the button for this service.
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Illness, recovery and resilience Support
Rebuilding your life after surviving an illness often means a new you has emerged. The changes we must cope with feel like it drags us kicking and screaming into integrating the “new” you, while mourning our changes. Do you need support, finding out who you have become, after your illness? Please press the button for this service.
Does your inside match your outside? Hiding our creativity and living invisibly often means that we shroud who we are from others. As we blossom it might mean we have to leave old habits behind and shed our skin. Would a new look, paired with a healthier self esteem offer a boost of confidence, but you don’t know where to start? Please press the button for this service.
Group work, when one truly understands that they are not alone with their feelings, can move mountains. This can be tailored to suit the needs of your company or crew and can create bonds of vulnerability and trust. Please press the button for this service.
Why am I the right person for this job?
Understanding intimately, that the simple act of living can often feel intimidating, led me to personally choosing a life based on doing daily work, for the last 30 years.
My name is Franny Whitfield, I am a citizen of the Choctaw nation and come from a survival background. I worked in care and support with hyper aggressive people with cognitive disabilities for many years. I helped them to actively change behaviour, through systematic routine support.
I am a singer/songwriter and overall creative person, who taught music, at the university level for 15 years, guiding artists, through helping them to embrace who they are. I also studied textile design and the emotional relation to colour. I see people and the depth of what they are worth and deserve, I always have. Through emotional intuition, listening and asking helpful and sometimes hard questions, I do all I can to help people truly accept themselves. I believe that integrating every part of ourselves is possible, with support. Standing next to people, who are brave enough to grow, has become my privilege and honour.
I love building spaces: architecture, furniture, all of it, probably more than fashion. The
development procedure is more tactile. It's about space and form…
Donna Karan
I couldn't live a week without a private library - indeed, I'd part with all my furniture and squat
and sleep on the floor before I'd let go of the 1500 or so books I possess.
H. P. Lovecraft
All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth - in a word, all those bodies which
compose the frame of the world - have not any subsistence without a mind.
George Berkeley